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April 17 | Reading with Shepherd Daisy Read-A-Thon with Algodones Elementary

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Daisy is a German Shepherd who encourages children to read fifteen (15) minutes a day to their pets or stuffed animals.


Reading is fun, especially with the students at Algodones Elementary School! GGAB hosted 42 students for the Reading with Shepherd Daisy Read-a-Thon, which was a massive success! Students read books, completed book reports, and received certificates of completion with the support of their teacher, peers, and Elena Finnegan, GGAB's UNM Reading Tutor.

Del Nore Credit Union provided gifts to the students and educated them on the importance of saving money and starting savings accounts! It was a day of learning and reading, all thanks to our generous sponsors, the dedicated staff of Algodones Elementary, and the GGAB team!


Elena Finnegan

UNM Reading Tutor 
UNM Biology Major
April 2024

Reading Together, Learning Together: 

GGAB's Read-a-Thon at Algodones Elementary School

On Wednesday, April 17th, Global Give-A-Book put on our second Read-a-Thon at Algodones Elementary School. About 40 first-grade students participated in this event, making it a resounding success. GGAB distributed a copy of Hello, Whale! and a copy of Animal Homes to each child, for a total of about 80 books given away. 

One of the highlights of the event was watching Shirley Howard, a children’s pastor and one of our volunteers, bring Animal Homes to life, reading aloud as the students followed along. Animal Homes is a fantastic book about the ways kids are similar to baby animals and we all learned a lot of interesting facts! After reading Animal Homes, we helped the children fill out book reports with the author, title, and what they liked best about the book. This was a great way for the students to practice their writing skills.

During the Read-a-Thon, I also had the opportunity to read Hello, Whale! aloud to the students. Full of whimsical illustrations and liftable flaps, the children stayed engaged throughout reading the book. Seeing the children’s excitement as they turn the pages always reaffirms my belief in GGAB’s work.

Finally, Eric Baldonado from Rio Grande Credit Union, one of GGAB’s sponsors, generously provided bags with coloring pages, a piggy bank, and a booklet to save quarters. Additionally, Mr. Baldonado encouraged students to open savings accounts at the credit union. We are grateful to Mr. Baldonado for encouraging financial literacy among our students!

The Algodones Elementary Read-a-Thon was a huge success in promoting GGAB’s mission of promoting youth literacy. We express our heartfelt gratitude for our sponsors and volunteers, and the teachers who helped us make this event possible!


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