We know from various research and studies that early childhood reading is so critical to their education and development.

Remembering when I was young, reading was so rewarding to me. My mother was a working mom. There were nine children in the family so she did not spend much time reading to us individually; instead, she would take us all to the library and we would choose our own books. In elementary and middle school, reading certificates were given to those who read a certain number of books during each six-week period--as well as gold stars for each additional book read. It was always my goal to get as many gold stars as possible. Gold stars would cover the front and back of my certificate. This was the start of my love for reading. Thank you to my mom and to my teachers who consistently encouraged me to read. This was so key in making me who I am today. It helped to build my knowledge, my beliefs, and my culture.
We know from research that reading to children at a young age is so critical to their education and development. I am so proud as a New Mexican that our state has built a system of opportunities to support parents in encouraging their children to find the value in reading. Global Give-a-Book (GGAB) is one of those opportunities. As a nonprofit organization, its mission is to provide tools that promote youth literacy “one book at a time”. GGAB has given away thousands of personalized books to local children with a focus on low-to-moderate income households. They provide the gift of reading, and for this, I am proud to be a board member for Global Give-A-Book.
We, as parents, must understand that teachers alone cannot help our children to build their love of reading and to see the value of reading every day. While many of us had working mothers and are working mothers today, it is so critical that we are “extensions” – teacher aides, if you will - to our amazing teachers as they continue their work to motivate and inspire our children to love reading. Thank you to all our teachers and we as parents are here to help our children grow.
Every child in New Mexico has diverse strengths stemming from his or her history, heritage, language, culture, and environment. It is up to us to help them see their potential, and reading to our children is one of the most important activities we can do. In all honesty, I only wish I had done this more often with my two children who are adults today. But I am blessed that they have such a love for reading, thanks to their teachers, my parents and families, and my community.
Happy Reading!
Linda Vega
GGAB Vice President Board of Directors
Kanisha Hundley

"I have been in business for over 7 years, a homeschooling mom for over 4 years, and the Director of the Children's Ministry at my church for 2.5 years. It is my passion to make my home, my businesses, and my church a resource for the community. While working with my own children and others, I believe the ability to read is foundational to all other learning. My grandmother taught me when you can read, nothing can be hidden from you. I am proud to have the privilege of partnering with an organization and founder that aligns with my passion."
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
Find GGAB on their directory today!
Free Little Libraries
GGAB gives contributions to help expand Little Free Libraries in local neighborhoods!

“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”
—Dr. Mae Jemison,
First African-American Female Astronaut

By Jasmine Paul
Illustrated by Jose Neito
Preschool - 3 Grade
A Boy, A Budget, and a Dream helps to teach financial literacy and money management to children ages 4-8 in a fun and easy to comprehend way!
By Allan Kunigis
Illustrated by John Kurtz
1st - 3rd grade
With this awesome activity book, your child can learn about money through engaging activities like word searches, crossword puzzles, rhymes, quizzes, and other games!
By Mary Nhin
Illustrated by Jelena Stupar
Ages 3-11
Find out what happens in this comedic book about delayed
gratification and money-savvy skills.

Dear Reading Teacher,
I know my daughter reads slowly and I’m scared she will
fall further behind since she only sees her teacher in person two days a week. How do I help her?
Mom in Albuquerque
Dear Mom in Albuquerque,
Find books that your daughter has few problems with and enjoys. Encourage her to read frequently, even if she rereads the same books. If you have discontinued nightly reading time, restart it. Your daughter needs a parent to model strong reading skills. Depending on her age, this might be a picture book or a chapter from a novel. You’re never too old to listen to a good story!
Happy Reading!
The Reading Teacher