Winter 2025

Global Give-A-Book is excited to announce the 2nd GGAB x Barnes & Noble Essay Scholarship Contest. Following last year’s success in Albuquerque, we are partnering with Young Women's STEAM Research & Preparatory Academy in El Paso to inspire young writers.
This scholarship encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a love for literacy. We will be sharing our winning submission here on and all social media outlets. Stay in the know with GGAB at @globalgiveabook on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!
Scholarship Overview
This scholarship will award a $200 Barnes & Noble gift card to one exceptional student in grades 9-12 who demonstrates a passion for reading and pre-literacy.
Applicants will submit a 500-1000 word essay on "The Importance of Pre-Literacy in the Age of Electronics," discussing the role of printed books in fostering children's imagination over electronic devices and the importance of GGAB's mission.
A PDF prompt and list of requirements was sent directly to students at their EPISD email addresses. If you did not receive this email, please contact Ms. Conner at
Important Dates
Deadline for Essay Submission to CLOSED
Winner Announcement: Monday, March 10, 2025
Award Presentation: Monday, March 17, 2025
#GGAB #BarnesAndNoble #YWPA #EPISD #ElPaso #TheFutureisFemale #SecondScholarshipContest #YoungWriters #LiteracyMatters #FutureLeaders
United, we can bridge the divide in book access.
Your investment directly supports our mission to provide quality books to children who need them the most and empower children with the tools for success.
