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January Newsletter: Animal Kingdom

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Reading with Shepherd Daisy

It’s a new year…and with a new year comes New Year’s resolutions. While most people are promising themselves more time at the gym, healthier eating habits, and less debt, Global Give-A-Book is promising more ways to foster the love of reading in children. One way we want to do that this month is through the inspiration of animals!

The Scholastic Corporation, is an American multinational publishing, education and media company that provides resources for schools, parents and children. The Scholastic Corporation informs us that encouraging your child to read to a pet, shelter animal, service animal or even stuffed animal can increase his or her motivation, confidence, fluency and sense of purpose. This brings us to a very important point...

For the month of January, GGAB is highlighting “Reading with Shepherd Daisy”. A reading program that fosters the love of reading through pets by challenging children to spend 15 minutes reading to their pets—whether it be to a dog, cat, goldfish or best teddy bear friend.

Accepted the challenge by emailing us a picture or video to with your child reading to a pet.

Animals are man’s best friend…and they can also be a child’s greatest teacher. As you and your child spend time writing your new year’s resolutions for 2021, don’t forget to include “Reading with Shepherd Daisy”; hopefully we can help get your year started on the right page…literally.

Happy Reading!

Jordan Oliver

GGAB Director of Multi-Media

Reading With Shepherd Daisy


Global Give-A-Book Board Member, Ashlee Wolfe!

Ashlee and her husband Ed are entrepreneurs and community leaders in Albuquerque. They have two beautiful daughters who they have successfully raised through homeschooling. Because education is a core value in their home,

Ashlee and Ed are partnering with a technology company whose emphasis is self-directed education and leadership.

Ashlee feels in today’s age where information is readily available, reading is essential...that’s why she loves Global Give-A-Book. “GGAB lays that foundation for the next generation,” she said.

One of her favorite quotes is: “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on treasure island.”

-Walt Disney.


We are so excited to announce our partnership with PetClub 247! Their mission is to educate people and connect them with natural alternatives because over 50% of our pets are suffering unnecessarily and dying prematurely because of the foods, treats, and toys we are giving them.

To learn more about what we can do to help our pets (and their humans) live longer, happier, and healthier lives, please watch and share this video:

PetClub 247 is generously giving GGAB 15% of all of the purchases made through this link which will help us expand our efforts and make a greater impact with GGAB’s “Reading with Shepherd Daisy”

We are thankful for this paws-itive program and appreciate all of the love and support we are receiving!!

Stay connected with our social media platforms for “Reading with Shepherd Daisy” upcoming events.


GGAB partnered with a New Covenant Worship Church and donated new and wrapped books with food boxes one week before Christmas- Families were blessed with food for the body and

books for the


“Having a dog or cat will open your heart. Reading a book will open your mind. Having both a pet and a book...absolute heaven.”
-Mark Rubinstein


By Stacy McAnulty, Illustrated by Julia Sarcone-Roach

Ages Pre K- 2nd Grade

Ed’s family members are all unique in their own way, but Ed worries he isn’t special enough for them. This charming and funny story teaches kids the important lesson that there are many ways to be excellent!

By Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes

Ages Kindergarten- 3rd Grade

Inspired by the author's experiences after the Boston Marathon bombing this moving story of companionship and resilience is told from the alternating points of view of a young girl, who is a recent amputee, and her service dog.

By Suzanne Lang, Illustrated by Max Lang

Ages Pre K- 3rd Grade

This New York Times bestseller is a comical tale of a

chimpanzee in a very bad mood. This book is perfect for young

children learning how to deal with confusing feelings.


By Sylvia Hermosillo, Director of Content

Dear Reading Teacher,

Sometimes when my son reads, it seems like he is just mouthing the words. I don’t know if he really knows what the book says. Will understanding just come later as he gets better at reading.

Sammy’s Mom

Dear Sammy’s Mom,

Understanding does improve as students become better decoders, but there are ways to help it along./ One of the best methods is to read to Sammy daily. As you read, stop frequently to question for understanding. Make this into a discussion rather than a test. What has happened so far? What do you think will happen next? Why do you think the character did that? The questions should be of the type that draw out discussion rather than just “yes” or “no” answers.

Another stumbling block to understanding involves children selecting books that are too difficult for their shills. As parents we always want our children to do the most outstanding work. It just makes us proud. Don’t push your child into reading a book he is not ready for.

Children really do become better readers by reading their old favorites again and again. They become better readers when they read books that are a bit too easy. It seems counterintuitive, but when children practice reading material they are comfortable with, their reading skills soar.

Your Reading Teacher.

January Virtual Animal Meet and Greet

Introduce GGAB to your furry friends!

Inspired by the founder's own dog, Shepheard Daisy, GGAB wants to meet your furry family members!

Here’s how to participate:

-Tag an animal lover in the comments!

-1 Tag per Comment = 1 Entry for Both People!

-Entries/Comments are UNLIMITED!

-Both you and your @ must be following GGAB to be counted!

-Tag GGAB in a post of your favorite furry friend = 5 Entries

WIN a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble!

Good Luck and Congratulations to our past winners!


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